Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Costa Rica here I come!

History is the past considered as a whole. Throughout time there has always been an interest in what has happened that brought us to where we are today. Being given this opportunity to discover what happens on a daily basis today cannot go without exploring into the history. Costa Rica and coffee have had a relationship since 1771! With the ideal weather and soil it became a source for the worlds coffee!

Take a moment and think what does coffee mean to you and your day? To me, it is the moment of my day where it all starts. Every aspect plays into the outcome of the day with the freshness of the bean down to the smile at the counter. Do we think of what happens to the beans as it passes through the hands of multiple people into our cup? This trip is bringing it full circle to all of our daily lives. as I landed this afternoon I fully realized that there is more then just us that bring that cup to that customer at 7 am on a Tuesday morning, but its a process that helps create an image of certainty, consistency, and loyalty with our brand.

Tomorrow starts the journey of the Origin Experience! We are visiting a family cooperative that has been with us for 22 years! Let the coffee journey officially begin! Please post questions so that I can try and answer them as they come into mind :)


  1. Look forward to following you journey. Well said, without places like Costa Rica and farmers who take such pride in the farsms. Ensuring have the highest quality bean we wouldn't be the amazing company we are.

  2. Lovely photos Em! Keep them coming!

  3. very cool em Hope your haveing a blast!
